Monday, May 31, 2010


ok Im back.. continuation of ytd's post..
Btw, if you're wondering about my studies.. yes, Ive to intermit & continue next year. Hope Ill be able to catch up then! :p

Confinement for 1 month:
Ive my fair share of hearing all the old wives tales on not drinking DOM, not eating ginger, cant bath, cannot wash hair etc etc.. Well.. not sure what is true and whats not, I simply do what I felt was right! haha.. :p

The first few days was super tiring as Ive not gotten used to feeding every 2.5 to 3hrs. Well, its not really the lack of sleep but trying to wake my sleepyhead daughter up for her feed!! No matter what I do she refuses to wake up... so its a battle of her timing vs mine. And you are right, I do believe in PDF: Parent-directing-feed. Now she is on routine and I know the rough timing of her next feed w/o having to second guess if her cries at an odd hour meant hunger. This is one of my 1st achievement.. :) Now she is on total BF. :)
On 6 May her umbilical cord finally dropped! this made bathing her much simplier! :D

Her weight has also grew steadily for the past few weeks. On discharge, she weighed at 2720g and today at 3210g. Readings say 30g per day is healthy.
Chinese name
It was really not easy to give her a chinese name as hubby and my chinese is so not-to-standard! Those we chose either sound nice but had bad meaning or sound too common. However we finally settled with 陈芷琦 (Chen Zhi Qi). Her name is registered only as Vera Tan.
Well she is down with slight jaundice on 2nd wk of May. The next day happened to be my birthday & its my 1st Mother's Day too. I couldnt bear to leave her in hospital so hubby suggested we rent the light home & watch her instead. It was a great decision as it cost us much lesser and we were also able to have her stayed home with us.
Many friends also came down to give me a pleasant surprise. I was really touched.

29 May- 1st month Party
This day finally came and we had a great celebration. I was physically worn out but it was certainly a great time of catching up with friends and relatives after a 1 long month break! Vera also received many beautiful gifts.. Thanks to all the uncles & aunties!!

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