Monday, May 31, 2010

Back In Action

Now that Im on confinement, Ive plenty of time when my gal is sleeping. So Im back to blogging. Hopefully will be on top of it regularly. :D

Hmm where shall I start?

From the time I realised Im pregnant.. Im elated of course, needless to say! Time passes slowly as I await for the delivery of my girl.. Here is some memorable quotes from my gynae- Dr CH Koh:

Me: (in the midst of doing the ultrascan) Is this the baby's heartbeat?

Gynae: Its the 2nd national anthem!

Gynae: (to me) From now onwards, you need to do finger, mouth exercise.

Me: huh? what do you mean?

Gynae: Since it is your hubby that got you into this problem, instruct him to sweep/mop the floor, wash the dishes, do the laundry...

(hubby gave a stone face & tries to smile. haha)

Me: (ultrascan) Isit a boy or girl?

Gynae: Start writing a 'M'

Me: O its a male! A boy?

Gynae: M for M-I-S-S! Its a girl!

Gynae: If baby comes out too early, it will cost you more. Have you heard the idiom 'zao-sen-gui-zi'!

And he got got my hubby to cut the umbilical cord and Shout: I AM A FATHER when baby is delivered!

On a more serious note, (in my viewpoint) a good gynae. Heard many good reviews about him also. Will certainly consider going back to him in future. :p

Moving on... my delivery day- 30 April 2010

Waterbag burst @ 10am ++. Jumped out of bed & stone for a minute or so. haha.. then called my hubby, the clinic and my sister. Had a quick bath and while changing, the water leaked/burst again. Argh. While waiting for my brother to fetch me to hospi, I mopped the bedroom wood flooring! YES, I MOPPED the floor! haha. (cant imagine what will happen to my flooring if I leave it soaked with water for hours!!!) Next, I flooded my bro's new car! :p (Sorry!)

Nurse checked on me & was told I only had 2cm dilation. So gotta wait for contractions. Ask for epidurals cos my back was hurting even thou I dint feel any contractions yet. Felt asleep after the jab and awake 4-5 hours later only to found out Ive dilated 8-9cm! Preparations were soon made for the delivery. 15mins of pushing & Vera was delivered at 2020hrs. NO LABOUR PAINS! Gynae said I had happi-dural & not epidural! haha.

ok feeding time now. update later...

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